
LOL Star wars Originals are the BEST LOL

OK, so everyone says the original trilogy, episodes 4-6, are completely flawless. Well, I have one thing to say to that...THEY'RE NOT! First of all, why doesn't Ben Kenobi recognize C3PO and R2D2 in Episode 4 when he buys the droids from the Jawas? Shouldn't he be overjoyed that he gets Anakin's droids back? And furthermore.....SABER TECHNIQUES. I've heard that in first two movies, episode 4 and 5, George Lucas wanted a more Kendo style saber fight(a lot of straight forward Japanese-style of sword fighting). Mark Hammil pushed for a more aggressive style to bring up the excitement. This worked apparently, as Return of the Jedi had both Saber wielders using one hand. Unfortunately, there's one inconsistency. If Darth Vader is supposed to be the strongest force-user of his time, why does he use Shii-Cho(Form 1) instead of Ataru(Form 4)? Ataru would give Vader the ability to move faster by channeling the force for speed and strength. But Luke has an excuse, he never had a teacher long enough to teach him more than the first two forms.

Well, there's my nerd rant for the day, enjoy! : D


Television Today

"Oh boy! American Idol is on tonight!"
"Ya, i love it <3 but the hills is better lol"

ugh.... What have we been reduced to? Instead of being encouraged to release something original tv today is just a bunch of stupid reality shows recycling the same ideas(flavor of love, i love new york, rock of love, Daisy of love, *facepalm*), an 8th season of American Idol(or something). And what is this saying to people today? That they should be just like everyone else because they'll get their 2-plus seasons of fame and then be "a famous socialite". I can honestly say that I HATE that phrase. What future do you have being a "socialite"? I mean, what the hell does that even mean? You want to live the life of Paris Hilton? You want a show called "Paris Hilton's BFF"(or something like that)? In the end, it all seems to boil down to ignorance caused by apathy. Apathy towards learning, knowledge, and doing the right thing.

Every now and then a good, original, show comes along as a pleasant surprise. Something like Mythbusters, Time Warp, Made, True Life, Dirty Jobs(a lot I'm missing but you get the idea). Shows that don't have to "push the boundaries" of whats already there, but actually make their own, new area, without boundaries because no ones been there before. But nowadays, everyone's too afraid to present a new idea because it different, it won't fit the same American Idol, Laguna Beach, X of Love mold....

- some 16 year-old kid with a computer

Universal Healthcare

So, the big thing today seems to be healthcare. Not just healthcare in general but universal healthcare. What I don't understand is the negative connotation towards the word "socialism". I pondered this for quite a while until i realized that its bred from ignorance; a complete lack of knowledge. I mean, think about it, what systems do we have in America that are seemingly socialist? Well, there's the Education System(however poor it may be), Welfare(once again, underfunded), Firefighters, Policemen, Public Libraries, and, oh yeah.....Medicare! That's right, a "socialist", "government run" healthcare system. Unfortunately, its so underfunded that it sets a poor example for socialist systems in America today.

The biggest problem I have with the Health Care "Industry" today is the fact that its an Industry. Its a business. "But we have a right to make a profit right?" NO! You have no "right to make a profit" because you're not a business. You're a company that's supposed to help people pay for their medical expenses but instead, you charge insane rates and actually work against paying people's bills. All you care about is lining your pockets while the poor are kept sick. A people who are kept sick, dumb, and entertained are easy to control. On the other hand, when we all have perfect health, strive for intelligence, and question everything we're told its more difficult to tell us what to do.

The person who tells you you're "declined" is paid a bonus based, not on the number of people treated, but on the number of people they deny treatment! I mean, it all seems a little bass-ackwards if you ask me.... They're supposed to pay for a person's treatment and yet they make their ultimate goal to DENY treatment and get in the way to the point that they cause the person's death. But then again, what do I know, i'm just a 16 year-old with a computer...


"And the next GG award goes to...."

Ok, so im gonna pass out a few GG's(Good Game's) to a few groups...

First and foremost, The Cleveland Browns. Yes, i also thought we'd take Crabtree(Braylon's fault...), and was more than a little confused when i read center from Cal. but hey, i guess Fraley's gettin old and we'll need a replacement(he can probably play LG/C/RG) some time. The rest of the draft went well enough(Jamie Dukes needs to do a little research before talking trash about the Browns Draft....), needed a reciever or 2 and got some good LBs as well. Going into minicamp the spotlight was on Mang(enious)ini to give us fans something to hope for, and needless to say he delivered(apart from the Joe Jurevicius/K2 situations >_>). We picked up some solid Veterans to help the rookies and we should see an improved offense *crosses fingers*. I hate the way they handled the JJ situation and now its come back to bite em. And, honestly.....A 5TH ROUND DRAFT PICK NEXT YEAR FOR KELLEN WINSLOW JR.!? What the hell were they thinking? I love Steve Heiden but he is NO K2. other than those faults, The Cleveland Browns would get a GG in my group because think about this:
The 1-15 LOLphins had less talent than us but with solid QB play and discipline they reached the playoffs...

The next (partial)GG had to go to the Cavs. They receive a partial because, while they were top on the DPS chart picking up Shaquille "Witness Protection" O'Neal, they drew aggro and made the group wipe by (almost)bombing in the NBA draft. Not that "prospects" are a bad thing, but when the new york dominated Media thinks that the Cavs have to bow to the will of Lebron James and if we dont he'll leave, don't you think we should appease this by getting someone like oh say, PATTI(Y?) MILLS!? Well, another run in the form of Free Agency has started and I think we need to pick-up a fellow that tormented the Cavs in the form of...Charlie Villanueva, formerly of the Milwaukee Bucks. I'm sure you can remember that game in Milwaukee when 'Bron hit threes from the Half-Court logo. Well, as quietly as is possible, Charlie Villanueva scores 38(or so) in a losing effort. He is exactly what we needin terms of a power forward who can drive, handle, knock down shots, and space the floor. Needless to say, this is a championship team if this happens.

Finally, the respective US Nation Teams. The U.S. team had a great showing in the Confederations Cup in South Africa and, although losing to Bra(seeeel)zil in the Final, Shocked the world in their defeat of Number 1 FIFA ranked Spain. GG guys....GG.

Now i said U.S. National Team"s". well, of course, i mean to talk about the US Junior National IFAF team. "US NAtional wha....?" you ask, well IFAF stands for International Federation of American Football. Yes, there is an international interest in Football. Here's a link to the IFAF and USFOOTBALL websites: http://www.usafootball.com/jwc/index , http://www.usafootball.com/ . The US never was eligible for the Tournament until this year but boy have we shown up. The group(Graduated Highschool seniors only) 78-0 victory over France and currently beating Mexico by a large margin as well(no graphics on boradcast). Most of the games have gone this way for all ountries involved. huge lowouts and shut outs abound, but occasionally there's a gem of a game like Japan v. Canada(yes....Canada). The thrilling finish was easily the best of the 2 days.

So, thats it. My first real blog post down and hopefully well recieved =)

First Post(meh, unofficially)

wtf is with the iLike thing? there should be a playlist option, not samples......

bah, anyway the day is here and i have arrived at BlogSpot.com for the doting masses! *crickets*

thank you, thank you! please you're too kind. now as the title of my blog suggests, this is gonna be about whatever i want. it'll have everything from Star Wars: KOTOR 3(hopefully =D) nerdraaaaaage, to Comments on the human Psyche and nature of life and reason therein. I like long walks on the beach and candlelit....NO! wait where was I....

ya, so when i have some time(12:30am) ill be posting my thoughts, and hopefully i'll get someone to look.