
Universal Healthcare

So, the big thing today seems to be healthcare. Not just healthcare in general but universal healthcare. What I don't understand is the negative connotation towards the word "socialism". I pondered this for quite a while until i realized that its bred from ignorance; a complete lack of knowledge. I mean, think about it, what systems do we have in America that are seemingly socialist? Well, there's the Education System(however poor it may be), Welfare(once again, underfunded), Firefighters, Policemen, Public Libraries, and, oh yeah.....Medicare! That's right, a "socialist", "government run" healthcare system. Unfortunately, its so underfunded that it sets a poor example for socialist systems in America today.

The biggest problem I have with the Health Care "Industry" today is the fact that its an Industry. Its a business. "But we have a right to make a profit right?" NO! You have no "right to make a profit" because you're not a business. You're a company that's supposed to help people pay for their medical expenses but instead, you charge insane rates and actually work against paying people's bills. All you care about is lining your pockets while the poor are kept sick. A people who are kept sick, dumb, and entertained are easy to control. On the other hand, when we all have perfect health, strive for intelligence, and question everything we're told its more difficult to tell us what to do.

The person who tells you you're "declined" is paid a bonus based, not on the number of people treated, but on the number of people they deny treatment! I mean, it all seems a little bass-ackwards if you ask me.... They're supposed to pay for a person's treatment and yet they make their ultimate goal to DENY treatment and get in the way to the point that they cause the person's death. But then again, what do I know, i'm just a 16 year-old with a computer...

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